Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blog Revival!

It's been forever since I updated this, hasn't it?
Figures, since this was a blog I made for class to begin with after all. I mean, who really cares about a blog after classes are over? I sure didn't.

In fact, this entire idea, while fun for me because I enjoy writing random stuff here and there, was ultimately pretty pointless when it came down to academia. First off, I only did it because I was trying to follow the guidelines to the actual Senior Seminar class that I was not in (there weren't enough seats, boo.). Secondly, although I tried my hardest to keep up with my own agenda and schedule, having a "Independent Study" turned out to just be a great waste of my time. Not only did the professor not even bother looking online, but he took 3 seconds to glance at my year-long artwork and then decided I deserved an A.

I know I shouldn't really complain because that A in Independent Study made a pretty mark on my transcript. But it ultimately made me feel incomplete and pretty pissed, to be honest. I worked pretty hard even without guidelines. But when I look back, I could have definitely done better work under a more serious and intense instructor. I suppose beggars can't be choosers though.

In any case, there's a reason why I decided to blog all of a sudden. Lately, my mind has been filled up with millions of thoughts and prose, in addition to the normal art ideas I get at night. For some reason, blogging just seems so... grade school for me. I mean, I started blogging when Xanga first came out! That was forever ago and I still remember my username for it! (no, I'm not divulging it.) Yet when I thought about it, what better way to release yourself of those crazy thoughts? It's a good way to remember things, share yourself with the rest of the world, and to promote yourself!

I've especially been fond of spreading my Etsy store around the internet because I think it has great potential. I've even been getting custom commissions, which invigorates me a great deal. Unfortunately, there was a minor hiccup earlier this week that nearly made me cry in alarm, but I suppose that whole ordeal will come later.

For now, I guess this can be my introductory post for the rebirth of this blog.
Also, what do you think of the revamp? I made the banner really quick using this tutorial by citygirlgonecoastal: "Making a Blogger Header Using PicMonkey Collages ~ A How To!"

I'm planning on blogging about a lot of things, half of which I almost feel certain deserve to be spoken about in a podcast, which I really want to try out someday! These topics include why I hate Final Fantasy and where it's gone, various artists I like/dislike, the music I've been listening to, fashion images and general clothing, and philosophy.

Look forward to it! Until next time!

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